Let us go forward in this battle fortified by conviction that those who labour in the service of a great and good cause will never fail.
"A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people."
CEO's Message
The 21st century & more particularly the 2021 decade sets a revolutionary trend & goal by starting a noble attitude & actions to achieve, maintain & carry forward for generations to follow the naturality & purity of the ecology of our Mother Earth. I wanted to contribute for betterment of environment & then I contacted our educated & experienced Honorary Executive Editor Mr.Deepak F Shah [M.Sc(Chemistry)L.L.M.(Environmental Law)] who immediately supported my thought & we started our first biyearly issue on the auspicious day of Ramnavmi (birthday of Lord Rama) in April 2021. It will always be our sincere & noble thoughts & actions which will irreversibly contribute to the betterment of the environment.
This century needs action & delivery by implementing an ideology that there should be NO development by compromising the environment. In “ENVIRONMENT NEWS ” we suggest & strictly want that now it’s time for “NATURE ”, yet every year 13 million hectares of forest area is lost & till date 3.5 billion hectares of land is affected by desertification. This has contributed to extinction of 8% out of all known animal breeds & 22% facing threat of extinction. Moreover many fish are rapidly depleting & pollution has deteriorated coastal waters. Human activities have also contributed to conditions in which viruses can be more easily transmitted between animals & humans. Today we must recognize the irreversible decline in the natural environment which presents a major threat to the economic progress achieved over the past two decades. If we are to safeguard the environment for future generations we must take concrete urgent actions now for development policies, incentives & actions. We have to discover & promote Blue & Green investments over Red & Orange investments to result in recovery of the damage done to the environment in the last two decades which can unlock 100 million new jobs. We can NO longer view environmental actions as being at odds with the development agenda. It is ONLY through working together we can succeed in delivering a sustainable, healthy & prosperous future for all.
“ENVIRONMENT NEWS” Meaning of Sustainable Development: – ENVIRONMENT First OR NO development at the cost of ENVIRONMENT.
- Chintan J Mehta
About Us
Who we are
We at M/s. J.K. Communication are one of the leading Marketing Agency &; Publication house in India.” Our prestigious Publication Printing at our Press are Various Bulletin like Gujarat Chamber of Commerce &; Industry, Gujarat Dyestuff MFG Association, Federation of industries & association, Gujarat State Plastic Mfg. Association, Gujarat State Small Industries Federation, Gujarat corrugated box mfg Association, Vatva Industries Association, Vapi Industries Association, Silvassa Industries Association & many more.
About Us
We inform, help and support the creative community
The Creative80 Room is the U.K. based Creative Blog website, launched in 2016, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor
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