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CEO's Message
The 21st century & more particularly the 2021 decade sets a revolutionary trend & goal by starting a noble attitude & actions to achieve, maintain & carry forward for generations to follow the naturality & purity of the ecology of our Mother Earth. I wanted to contribute for betterment of environment & then I contacted our educated & experienced Honorary Executive Editor Mr.Deepak F Shah [M.Sc(Chemistry)L.L.M.(
- Chintan J Mehta
Let us go forward in this battle fortified by conviction that those who labour in the service of a great and good cause will never fail.
"A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people."
YogendraKumar Trivedi
Secretary General
Chief Executive Officer - NCT
Supporting Organizations
In the Media
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"Environment news has got everything I need. This is simply unbelievable!"
HR Manager, WeServe LLC.
"If you aren't sure, always go for environment news. It's really wonderful. It's all good. Environment news is exactly what our business has been lacking"
Fitness Instructor
"Thank You! Environment news is great. I was amazed at the quality of environment news."
Nutrition Expert, Food Villa
"I don't know what else to say. Thanks guys, keep up the good work! The service was excellent."
Software Developer
Sustainable Development Goals
Executive Editor Message
The 21st century & more particularly the 2021 decade set a revolutionary trend & goal by initiating to implement a Nobel attitude with actions to achieve, maintain and carry forward best environment to cherish the naturality & purity of the ecology in Mother Earth. I wanted to dedicate my education, experience & knowledge in the field of environment. I strongly believe that “SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT” has been misused & not properly implemented, hence my thought for “SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT” is “NO DEVELOPMENT AT COST OF ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE”. One fine day Mr.Chintan Mehta, CEO of J K Communication publisher of coveted “Plastic Business” approached me to Joint as Executive Editor of his dream publication in the field of environment with a noble intention to repay back for the benefit of society at large. I wholeheartedly accepted his offer which also was my dream but ONLY as Honorary Executive Editor. Our first inaugural April 2021 biyearly issue of “ENVIRONMENT NEWS” was published on the auspicious “RAMNAVMI” (birthday of Lord Ram). We are committed to dedicate our sincere efforts along with noble thoughts and actions to carry forward undamaged ecology & environment of Mother Earth for future generations.